31 July 2008

PDX to Oxbow Park

sandy river amusements
Originally uploaded by Nikki McLeod
Bryce, his cousin-in-law Adam and myself rode from downtown Portland to Oxbow park. The route we took was something like this but with about 15 more miles added on.

The ride took us out the length of the Springwater Trail to Gresham, and from there, we zigged and we zagged through farmland (mainly huge nurseries; next time you're at Home Depot and wonder where all the little trees come from, wonder no more; they most likely come from all around Portland) until we finally found Oxbow Park (yeah... we got a little lost).

The park is on the shores of the Sandy River. Our wonderful wives and kids met us there with all sorts of yummy food (but no beer - we were dying for beer). After a nice picnic, we made our way down to the water for some swimming and rolling naked in the sand.

It was a great way to spend a day.

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